A downloadable Plugin

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Sometimes when playtesting your game, it'd be good run a scene without a certain chunk of eventing code running so that you can speed up testing towards a specific point... 

Or... Maybe you want to try a different approach, but you don't want to delete your previous eventing code, because either it may be useful later, or it may turn out to have been the better option after all! 

Like any coding language allows you to... This plugin will give you the ability to 'comment' out blocks of eventing code. All you have to do is put a comment /* at the top of the code, and close it with */ inside your event. That's it!

ReminderGimmer_Core.js is required for this plugin to function. You can download that here.


Documentation is included in the README file.

Free for both commercial and non-commercial use, with credit.

- Gimmer


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Gimmer_CommentsAreNotFunny 1.0.zip 1.3 kB


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Why is glimmer core in code not downloadable? if it is how do I download it? 

Gimmer_Core is available for free on github. Get the current version here

Oh Thanks!

OMG that's so smart, thank you <3 <3 <3

(1 edit) (+2)

Literally the best plug-in I’ve ever seen. Five stars.